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2025 Self-catering holiday pricing.

Luxurious Holiday Rentals at Redburn Steading

Peak Holiday Rental Prices. May - October
7 nights £2200
4 nights £1900

Off-Peak Holiday Rental Prices. November - April
7 nights £1600
4 nights £1300

Check in/out days are flexible, minimum stay 4 nights.
Off peak excludes Christmas and New Year weeks.

Experience the comfort of Redburn Steading, with luxurious accommodation, perfect for up to six guests. Well-behaved dogs are most welcome, we ask kindly that dogs are kept out of the bedrooms and off the furniture.

We understand that flexibility is key to the perfect holiday. Flexible Check-In/Out Days throughout the year.

Book Securely Online: Planning your dream Scottish holiday is just a click away. Check our availability and book your stay securely online through our user-friendly booking system. Reserve your dates with confidence and look forward to your holiday at Redburn Steading.